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Inspiring Choices 4 Kids

Our Mission

The mission of Inspiring Choices 4Kids Therapy is to empower clients, parents/caregivers and professionals with knowledge in brain development and organization, using the science of developmental and functional neurology, sensory processing, movement, cognition and learning, social brain awareness, and nutritional medicine for optimal function for our clients and their family.

Our goal is for children to feel safe, learn to regulate their emotions, develop happier and more joyful relationships with their parents and at school, to thrive in learning, and enjoy improved health. We value and respect the rights, responsibilities and aspirations of people with a disability while promoting maximum inclusion and participation.

We believe the best results are achieved when parents are involved in their child’s therapeutic process, working as an integral part of our integrative team of professionals.

We offer a space of safety, patience, tolerance and acceptance, where you and your family can feel supported and understood. We will help you to communicate your concerns, understand your child’s needs and develop strategies to integrate changes into your and your child’s daily life, one step at a time.

Harvard University’s Centre on the Developing Child

“Early experiences determine whether a child’s developing brain architecture provides a strong or weak foundation for all future learning, behaviour, and health. Education during the first five years of life is critical and will produce better outcomes in academic achievement, economic productivity, responsible citizenship, and eventually successful parenting of the next generation.”

How Can Our Therapies Help?

Therapy (NEI aka Neuro-Sensory-Motor-Emotional integration) is a combination of neurologically-based movement, sensory and cognitive learning programs clinically proven to improve development, language, gross/fine motor skills, sensory, behaviour & function utilizing treatment techniques in primitive reflex integration and brain balancing completed in a specific neuro-developmental sequence, as shown here in the pyramid of learning below:

The NEI program integrates many evidence-based and clinically proven modalities delivered by our dedicated allied health practitioners to assist in daily attention, self-care, social interaction, emotional regulation, focus and decision making tailored to your child’s specific needs at various stages of development such as:

  • Occupational therapy
  • Paediatric Physiotherapy
  • Cranio-sacral therapy
  • Applied developmental kinesiology
  • Neuromuscular therapy
  • Sound processing and integration therapy
  • Sensorimotor reflex therapy
  • Visual integration and processing therapy
  • Counseling, emotional regulation, behavioural modification
  • Nutritional/dietary therapy
  • Sleep therapy
  • QEEG/Neurotherapy
  • Cognitive therapy

What can you expect?

After your initial consultation, you will then be provided with:

1. An online questionnaire for your completion An appointment for neurological assessment in the clinic

2. An appointment for other assessments based on the child’s needs 3. A customized report of findings

4. A customized treatment, neuro-rehabilitation program and the costing

5. A recommended schedule of your appointments with each practitioner over the next 6-12 months

Our Certified Practitioners

Dr Reza Samvat

Neuro Modulation Postural & Vestibular Rehab & Treatment Protocol Director

Micaela Slancova

Health & Wellbeing Practitioner

Dr. Alecia Chan

Neuro Modulation Postural & Vestibular Rehab & Neurosensorimotor Assessment