Our Whole Person Health approach involves looking at the whole person—not just separate organs or body systems—and considering multiple factors that promote either health or disease. It means helping and empowering individuals, families, communities, and populations to improve their health in multiple interconnected biological, behavioural, social, and environmental areas. Instead of treating a specific disease; whole person health focuses on restoring health, promoting resilience, and preventing diseases across a lifespan.
Whole Person Health is vital because health and disease are not separate disconnected states, but instead occur on a path that can move in two different directions, either toward health or toward disease.
On this path, many factors, including one’s biological makeup; some unhealthy behaviours, such as poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, chronic stress, and poor sleep; as well as social aspects of life—the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age—can lead to chronic diseases of more than one organ system. On the other hand, self-care, lifestyle, and behavioural interventions may help with the return to health.
Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and degenerative joint disease, can also occur with chronic pain, depression, and opioid misuse—all conditions exacerbated by chronic stress. Some chronic diseases increase the immediate and long-term risks with COVID-19 infection. Understanding the condition in which a person has lived, addressing behaviours at an early stage, and managing stress may not only prevent multiple diseases but also help restore health and stop the progression to disease across a person’s lifespan.
We advocate that true wellness can be achieved through the integration of conventional and regenerative medicine. We implore you to explore and embrace the world of holistic healthcare where the focus is on treating the whole person body, mind/emotions and spirit.
Our approach is based on prevention and neuroplasticity. We aim to identify the primary contributing factor of stress leading to activation of inflammatory cascade causing the client’s presenting complaint ( ill health) . Each category listed below has stress and inflammation as the common contributing factor.
We offer a range of specialised integrative services delivered by our experienced health practitioners. Our services are centered on restoring the body to an innate state of optimum wellbeing, allowing our bodies to heal and be healthy, naturally.
HYPERBARIC OXYGENATION is proving a useful adjunct to traditional medical modalities for a wide range of conditions and diagnoses. Visit our website to discover some of the benefits of hyperbaric oxygenation, outlined below are some of the physiological effects when breathing pure oxygen under hyperbaric conditions.
Over 30 years experience in specialised services in integrative and natural health, neuro-motor and sensory processing, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
50A Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters 4226
(07) 5651 7343
Mon- Fri 8am to 5pm (AEST)
Suite 1 and Suite 3/328 Scottsdale Drive, Robina 4226
(07) 5575 7281
Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm (AEST)
The word “spirit” is derived from the Latin words “spiritus” (meaning breath, courage, vigour, or soul) and the word “spirare” (meaning to breathe) .
Spiritual health is about the connection with self (personal dimension), others (social dimension), nature (the environment) and God (transcendental dimension).Spiritual health creates a balance between physical, psychological and social aspects of human life.
The basic characteristics of spiritual health are as follows:
J Med Ethics Hist Med. 2018 Apr 9;11:3. PMID: 30258553; PMCID: PMC6150917.
Modality utilised:
The IHEART sustainable transformation program is a research proven method of enhancing brain and body function to allow individuals to express their full potential both physically and mentally. Using a systems thinking approach, it focuses on the interrelationships between musculo skeletal systems, the bodily organs and their inter connected biochemical functions as controlled by the nervous system, ruled by our emotions & directed by our consciousness. Dr Reza developed this program based on his 20 years experience in
“Posture is crucial for good health as it helps us perform activities with more energy, less stress, and fatigue. Poor posture can compromise overall health and efficiency, affecting functions like digestion, elimination, breathing, muscles, joints, and ligaments.
The optimal functioning of our nervous system depends on adequate oxygen supply and delivery, food, ideal physiological pH, and activation through movement.”
According to Dr. Roger Sperry, a 1980 Nobel Prize Recipient for Brain Research, 90% of the brain’s energy output is used to relate the physical body to gravity, while only 10% is used for thinking, metabolism, and repair.
Postural balance and proprioception, which is the body’s awareness of its position, are developed through a series of innate primitive reflexes , postural reflexes and movement patterns in early childhood. These reflexes are also part of our survival reflexes, including fight/flight, digestion, and reproduction. Optimal functioning of our survival system is essential for feeling safe in our environment. Proper integration of these reflexes are crucial components of sensory processing and integration in early childhood.
However, injury (such as birth trauma, sports injury, whiplash, head injury), prolonged stress (financial, relationship, abuse), and excessive exercise or overuse can compromise our postural reflexes, leading to a decrease in the functional integrity of our nervous system and muscles. This can result in persistent joint aches, myofascial pain, headaches, poor digestion, poor sleep, and poor adaptive capacity.
The optimal functioning of our nervous system which regulates our posture depends on proper development of these reflexes & adequate oxygen supply & delivery of food & ideal physiological pH.
These modalities are selected according to the need of each client, see modalities utilised below;
It is clear that addressing physiological adaptation based on long term stress, physical trauma, our lifestyle and epigenetics plays a crucial role in preventing disease. Nutrition is concerned with the different types of food and their effects on metabolism and the nervous system.
The importance of nutrition during growth, development, and ageing is appreciated both in animal husbandry and human medicine. Furthermore, it has become increasingly evident that a healthy and functional nervous system, gut function and metabolism, detoxification organs, hormonal regulation, lymphatic system, immune response, inherited patterns, and sleep are all vital for the body’s overall health.
Many of today’s common diseases, such as heart failure, stroke, cancer, and diabetes, are related to gut function and diet. Biochemical health deals with how the body extracts nutrients from food, how we obtain the needed energy, how we utilise nutrients, and how all of this is related to health and disease.
These modalities are selected according to the need of each client, see modalities below:
Emotional health pertains to how we think and feel, encompassing our sense of wellbeing, ability to cope with life events, and recognition of our own emotions, as well as those of others. The four characteristics of emotional health are:
It is also essential to understand that an imbalance of neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, Acetylcholine, GABA and oxytocin) in the brain can contribute to mood disorders or mental health conditions if left unaddressed.
The gut-brain-axis has gained significant attention in recent years, particularly regarding its connection to our emotional and mental health. Healthy gut function has been linked to normal central nervous system (CNS) function, with hormones, neurotransmitters, and immunological factors from the gut known to send signals to the brain directly or through autonomic neurons.
The modalities are selected according to the need of each client, see modalities below:
Cognitive health — the ability to clearly think, learn, and remember — is an important component of performing everyday activities. Cognitive health is just one aspect of overall brain health.
Brain health refers to how well a person’s brain functions across several areas. Aspects of brain health include:
Brain health can be affected by age-related changes in the brain, injuries such as stroke or traumatic brain injury, mood disorders such as depression, substance use disorder or addiction, and diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. While some factors affecting brain health cannot be changed, there are many lifestyle changes that might make a difference.
These modalities are selected according to the need of each client, see modalities below:
Over the last few decades, overwhelming data has been accumulated proposing that light in various wavelengths, intensities and modalities has the ability to improve the body’s own natural defences to recognise and annihilate the sick, diseased cells.
Quantum medicine is considered energy medicine. It is based on the idea that the body is not only matter but also vital energy or light expressed in various frequencies. If that vital energy is disturbed or blocked, it will not only cause discomfort but can also bring discomfort into the body. Today’s medicine is based on cellular biochemical exchange. In quantum medicine, it is the communication of electromagnetic information between the cells that determines our health.
These modalities are selected according to the need of each client, see modalities below:
Quantum medicine is considered energy medicine. It is based on the idea that the body is not only matter but also vital energy or light expressed in various frequencies. If that vital energy is disturbed or blocked, it will not only cause discomfort but can also bring diseases into the body. Today’s medicine is based on cellular biochemical exchange. In quantum medicine, it is the communication of electromagnetic information between the cells that determines our health.
The nervous system consist of the brain, spinal vertebra, spinal nerves which carry information from body to the brain and vise versa, cranium which houses and protects the brain and series of build in survival reflexes to response to the internal (organs, tissues, PH, Inflammation, etc) and external environmental demands. These are fight/flight, Reproduction and Digestion
The purpose of our nervous system is to assist us to Adapt through movement, Relate ( emotional and biochemical integration) , Learn ( to create meaning and self reflect) and Love ( through application of values and virtues to create a peaceful coexistence within self , family, community and the planet).
Our state of health is a reflection of our nervous system’s ability to adapt to the changes of life (neuroplasticity) which directly affect the choices we make. The adaptation depends on how the brain integrates and makes sense of the incoming information.
Brain integration can be interrupted through:
Structural Stress– Such as car accidents, sports injuries / strains, poor posture, head injuries, stroke, etc
Electromagnetic stress– Long term exposure to computers, telephones, electrical appliances, microwaves
Bio-Chemical stress– Poor eating habits and choices, environmental pollutants and toxins, alcohol, drugs, too much acid forming foods.
Emotional/Mental stress – Change of career, loss of job, divorce, separations, anger, abuse, etc.
Spiritual Stress – Inadequacy of passion, purpose & belief system\
One of the most important building blocks for achieving health, wealth and vitality resides in the healing powers of sleep. Sleep is food for the brain, get enough of it and get it when you need it. After oxygen and water, sleep is the most important need, even more important than food.
Sleep is divided into 4 stages of Non REM 75% (purple) sleep and REM (Blue) 25% sleep (Rapid Eye Movement). These are sometimes referred to as “sleep phases” or “sleep cycles“.
Non REM is responsible for regeneration, detoxification ( liver,gut, lymphatic system),repair, & hormonal regulation.
REM sleep is responsible for emotional regulations, memory reconsolidation & learning.
Dreaming occurs in both stages buy mostly during REM sleep. Each cycle of NREM and REM is repeated every 90 minutes, 4 to 5 times a night. 5-6 cycles is an ideal amount of sleep required for everyone after 15 years old.
Sleep is necessary for detoxification, immunity, tissue repair, regeneration, memory consolidation, learning, emotional balancing and most importantly for recuperation of the brain from the day’s activities.
When we achieve quality sleep, we prime the emotional brain properly; balancing brain chemicals, creating a positive and energetic state of mind. The result is a feeling of mental and physical energy and an internal psychological push called motivation. Without it we may get depressed and sick.
Inspiring Choices Natural Sleep treatment addresses sleep problems from a unique and integrative approach that steers away from drugs, successfully treating.
Modalities utilised: